Glenbrook Farms Herbs and Such

Nettle Leaf (urtica diocia)

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  • Nettle Leaf (urtica diocia) from
Nettle Leaf (urtica diocia) from Nettle leaf c/s in a 4 ounce bag

Glenbrook Farms Herbs and Such

Nettle Leaf (urtica diocia)

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Here is 6 quick reasons Nettle is one of the best selling herbs around the world.

1. Nettle helps to relieve inflammation in the body. 

2.This herb contains a wide range of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants

3. Nettle helps with reducing inflammation in the nose and sinus cavities from allergies

4. Years ago Nettle was used to reduce blood pressure and recent studies show that is may act as a vasodilator.

5.Nettle may help with reducing blood sugar levels 

6. Nettle has been known to help with urinary tract troubles and is suspected that it reduces prostate enlargement

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