Glenbrook Farms Herbs and Such

Annatto Seed

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  • Annatto Seed whole from Glenbrook Farms Herbs

Glenbrook Farms Herbs and Such

Annatto Seed

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Add a pop of natural color and a boost of antioxidants to your dishes with the mighty Annatto Seed!

Annatto seeds are the perfect natural alternative to artificial food coloring. Not only do they provide a rich, warm hue to your dishes, but they also come packed with antioxidants that promote good health. The subtle nutty flavor of annatto seeds makes them an excellent addition to soups, stews and sauces or as a base for marinades. This ancient ingredient has been used in traditional medicine for its healing properties and is now making waves in modern kitchens around the world! Add Annatto Seeds to your spice collection today and enjoy all the benefits this little seed has to offer!

  • Annatto seeds are a natural and healthy alternative to artificial food coloring
  • The antioxidants found in annatto seeds may help protect against cell damage and promote overall health
  • Using annatto seed as a seasoning can add both flavor and color to your dishes without the need for additional ingredients
  • Annatto seed is also believed to have antiinflammatory properties, making it an excellent addition to any healthconscious diet

Annatto seeds come from the subtropical regions. It is often used to color foods and crafters use it as a natural coloring in soaps and lotions. Annatto is a rich source of Tocotrienols, group of antioxidants similar to Vitamin E.